I often and I do mean often, yammer at Robin that science has been ruined by surveys and opinion has now become fact. People believe things because 'it sounds like it ought to be true'.
Take for instance, global warming. Listen to the mainstream media (MSM) and the case has been made. Man's selfish use of the planet's resources is leading to a global catastrophe. The fact that we only have around 100 years of recorded weather information to analyze means nothing to these believers. All the scientists that matter say global warming is real. The rest are kooks. Most of the MSM flatout lie when discussing this issue. Because now it's not about fact, it's about peer pressure. Stop driving your big SUV you gas hog, why do you deserve to use so much of the planet's resources? Liberals believe in diversity only when it's to their benefit.
I can go on. Think about Evolution. Yes, evolution which is still called a THEORY because it has not been proved. However, find me somebody in the MSM that doesn't consider it a fact. You can't. The sitcom "Friends" came right out and said it with the character of Ross. An early episode in the series had Phoebe (of course!) telling Ross she didn't believe in evolution (for a dippy reason) and Ross replied, "Evolution is a FACT!" Say something often enough and these days it becomes true. Isn't that the ultimate oxymoron? "The theory of evolution is a fact".
Now take Stem cell research. For years proponents of Embryonic stem cell research had complained because George Bush refused to allow government funding to be used to open up new lines of embryonic stem cells for research. Mind you he didn't BAN embryonic stem cell research. He didn't even refuse to use government money for embryonic stem cell research. All he did was say: You can only use government money for research on the existing embryonic stem cell lines. You can't make any new ones because I believe in the sanctity of life.
And the liberals like Michael J. Fox and Oprah have been mad ever since. (Not to mention the dingbats on The View). You'd think from their reaction that Bush had shut off the faucet to all research grants everywhere when in fact private money could have been used anytime someone felt like putting it up. So what was the problem? Well, private money comes with a condition. You have to be able to show positive results that will lead to profitability. The silly government doesn't have that foolish requirement, it pours good money after bad all the time.
So why weren't any of the private investment firms putting money into embryonic stem cell research? Because the sucessful research has all been with Adult Stem Cells. All. the. research. In fact, some of the testing with embryonic research has actually caused patients to get WORSE in clinical trials.
Check out this clip from Youtube:
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13 years ago